
Senior Software Engineer at Expedia Group

June , 2022 - Present

I am currently working in the reviews system of the Expedia group, which handles millions of requests across the globe.

Ex Software Engineer at Paytm

August 2019 - May 2022

I have worked at Paytm for almost three years. I have worked in different verticals of Paytm, such as Paytm E-commerce , credit cards, and lending. My role includes creating a highly scalable service which can always adapt to new requirements.


Reviews System

Expedia group

Currently working in reviews system of expedia group which handle millions of request across the globe.

Technology Used:
Kotlin , Java , Graphql , Typescript
Documents sharing Framework

Paytm Lending

Developed a highly extensible Documents sharing Framework that supports multiple lending products using Abstract factory and messaging queue.

Technology Used:
Java , Spring Boot, Mysql , Redis , Sqs
Rewards System

Paytm Credit Card

Developed generic rewards service from scratch for Paytm credit card lenders such as SBI bank, Citi bank, Hdfc bank.

Technology Used:
Java , Spring Boot, Mysql , Redis
Catalog Restricted Keyword

Paytm E-commerce

Worked in catalog validation service to restrict the seller from using abusing or brand restricted keyword in Paytm product.

Technology Used:
Java , spring Boot , Kafka , redis
Spring batch Job

Paytm Credit Card

Developed multithread batch processing system to provide Paytm first membership and other rewards based on user transaction history consisting of millions of records.

Technology Used:
Java , spring batch
College Project : News Media Analysis

Mentor name: Dr. Amita Jain

Scrap news headline from news sources and developed a classifier to categorize the content. Show the visualization of Analysis using charts on React Framework and developed a rating system.

Technology Used:
Personal Project : Find Lost Item Web App
BackMyItem is a web application to provide the communication between the person who lost the item and the one who find it.
Technology Used:
python,Django,AWS,html,google map and authentication api,css
Script : Analyze paytm wallet
Python script which analyse the debit , credit , cashback of paytm wallet and also visualise the result.
Technology Used:

Skills & Proficiency

Java, kotlin
Spring boot, spring batch, Graphql, redis , sqs , git
Design Pattern
Strategy, Obersever , state machine, abstract factory and singleton
MySQL , MongoDB
